Wednesday, August 27, 2008


We have Baruch Hash-m been at it for a while and there is one particular question that is of concern to people who might be interested in joining us and hesitate:

Is it OK to join now, even though this has already been going on for a while?
The answer is YES.

We have been learning Sefer Shmos pasuk by pasuk in depth with many mefarshim, and of course there is a continuum as we go along. We do relate it to some of the things we learned in past sessions. HOWEVER each session is a stand alone learning experience, and is INDEPENDENT of previously learned material.

This has been designed to allow for newcomers to join us AT ANY TIME without feeling lost, and also allows for the schedule of some of our participants, who cannot commit to being there each and every week, but still want to be active participants of the group.